Monday, June 7, 2010

Of stairwells, evictions, and the morning commute

I find it ironic that of our little group, the noisiest (and arguably the most annoying) two people seem to have the least to say online.

I'm talking about you David Lu (and myself of course).

Anyway, I have a few fun stories I'd like to share. However, because my father is periodically checking in to see whether I'm in bed, I will make this quick -

1. Work is fantastic - the people are nice, the projects are interesting, and I have a lovely view of the lake from my office

2. I got locked in the stairwell on the second day of work - typical Angela, I know. Believe it or not, it was actually not my fault. During orientation, no one seemed to remember to mention to any of us that the southern stairwell had a password protected door on each floor. So naturally, when I wandered in, I had no idea how to get back out. Fortunately, the stairwell architects had enough foresight to contemplate such a situation and had installed a phone by the door. Unfortunately, I did not have enough foresight to pay attention to "phone usage 101" on the first day and had no idea how to make a phone call. Thus it took twenty panic-filled minutes, much frenetic button pressing, and a phone call to a baffled co-worker - she was thoroughly confused when her phone said she was getting a call from "stairwell" - before I was happy and rescued.

3. Eviction court is chaos; chaos filled with the unadulterated crazy of pro se plaintiffs who insist on blithely arguing with the judge on issues they clearly don't understand. There was even this one guy who attempted to give the judge a vocabulary lesson. Needless to say, his case got dismissed.

4. Commuting is terrible. Buses are terrible. I wish I had a flying pony. Or a dragon. That would be fantastic.

On another note, does everyone like the way this blog is turning out or do you guys want to go back to the story idea?

I am definitely okay with either.


  1. It's probably that the quietest in person prefer writing as a communication style, and those who are talkative prefer speaking. ;)

    I hear you about the inadequacy of pro se plaintiffs, but also, in an ideal world, people shouldn't have to choose between paying their attorney or eating their next meal. Even with the pro se route, people are effectively getting shut out as it is.

    I used to hate commuting from/to MD-DC. Omg, it was torture. I wasted so many minutes on the road :T I want a Toothless!!

    I don't really care what we cover on the blog. I know, that is so not helpful :)

  2. yay I'm on! I will make a real post, perhaps later... (something about Sunhee saying loud people prefer not to write?) But just wanted to say that I thought I was the other person you were referring to as THE loudest and most annoyingest ^.^

    <3 you guys!

  3. haha dlu's entry is going to be in all caps and the phrase "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? SHUT THE FUCK UP" repeated 100 times.

    yup dragons are a cool way to get to work, but they are so hard to park...

    but seriously, i feel ya, my commute is about 50 min each way

    can we do both? we can have one entry that everyone can edit as they add the paragraphs. we'll just tag it something and itll be easily accessible

  4. you got it all wrong frank. my catch phrase is much less vulgar: "are u joking me? shut the fuck up!"

    also, i'm quiet online because i totally forgot this existed.


  5. YES! Let's get dragons... I will name mine Gabbie =)
